An Apple A Day, Keep Acnes Away

As with many old wives’ tales, it seems there is more than a grain of truth – “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is not a folklore anymore. I do know apple are a rich source of dietary fibre. When it comes to bowel regularity, apple’s fiber tackle the job no matter what it is. All you have to do is make sure that apple is included as one of the five portions of fruit and vegetables you eat each day.

These are the fruits combination I like:

Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi = To improve skin complexion

Tomatoes + Carrot + Apple = Improve skin complexion and eliminate bad breath

Carrot + Ginger + Apple = Boost and cleanse our system

The combination above is also good for acne cures as your body system is now cleansed. Want a Happy Living? Eat Health!

2 Hijackers »

  1. Dakota said,

    September 30, 2008 @ 2:40 pm


  2. Kyels said,

    September 30, 2008 @ 2:49 pm


    Thanks for sharing.


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