I’m Lovin’ It!

I meant to blog this earlier but my attention was always distracted by other thing whenever I sit down in front of the lappie.  So I’m glad I am here now sharing with you guys a great big deal from McDonald!

In conjunction with the celebration of Gold Putra Brand Award that McDonald achieved, for the whole month of March 2011, you are getting 2 Big Breakfast for Free (!!!) with any purchase of RM5.00 and above.  You can get the cut-out of coupon from the newspaper or just drop me a line with your e-mail address and I will be gladly to email them to you.

This is probably my 3rd time in my whole life eating Big Breakfast.  Seriously!  My choice of breakfast is definitely not from a fast food eatery.  The first time I had Big Breakfast is at the airport and another time was in Singapore.  All the while I thought Big Breakfast comes with everything including hot pancakes (i heart those!).  If you see the picture above, I have requested the maple syrup thinking I could enjoy my hot pancakes.  No wonder the waiter look at me with a funny face when I asked for it! LOL!  With the promotion going on, we had been eating them 3 days in a row now.  I was kinda know of the promotion late too.  But it is better late than never 😉

So there you go, guys.  Two more days to go before March ended.  2 Big Breakfast for FREE!!!!

2 Hijackers »

  1. AuntyKambing said,

    March 29, 2011 @ 7:48 pm

    Hey, you’re blogging again! welcome back 😀
    … but McD breakfast???? ewwwkkk. better u than me 😉

  2. the Razzler said,

    March 30, 2011 @ 12:49 pm


    2 Big breakfast is too much for me.. 🙂

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