
There is a Woman living in UK who is actually due today is freaking out and was planning for an induce for fears to give birth to an anti-Christ baby. Poor lass! She needs a nice sensible husband to tell her that the anti-christ would be 2000 years late for his delivery appointment so stop worrying and go back to sleep.

I wonder if she will even name the baby Damien?

The lady doesn’t seem to realize that the majority of babies are not born on their “due date” and that the “date” set is only an estimate. Since doctors won’t induce her, she could always spend the 06.06.06 watching the remake of “The Omen” which is screening today.

I remember anti-Christ even mentioned millenium year is dooms day. That was 6 years ago and we are still here with the coming and surviving of Mr Tsunami, Ms Katrina and Ms Rita.

But for the chinese 06.06.06 is an auspicious day to get married but I would think 08.08.08 make a better hit 😉 . And the sad part is rumours has been going round that The Church of Satan is going to have a congress in Manado (Indonesia) on the 06.06.06. I thought this satanic worship only happen in USA and other countries but this certainly is new just behind our backyard. So sad 🙁 .

Well, lets just wait to read what’s on headline tomorrow.

1 Hijacker Only? »

  1. Allan said,

    June 15, 2006 @ 3:04 pm

    Not a very great movie,is a bit similar with the movie called “Final Destinational”
    Rating 2.5 out of 5 star

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